ChatGPT powered outbound AI Sales Rep | SuperRep

Hire a AI Sales Rep, close up to 10X Sales

Hire our faceless ChatGPT powered AI outbound sales agent trained as a business development reps (BDRs) to automate, hyper personalize, super scale your sales independently.


Our AI Sales Reps:

Learns your product
Identify prospects
Retrieve their contact details
Analyse their social media profiles
Engage with hyper personalised messages
Respond independently
Enable trials
Follow up relentlessly
Negotiate effectively
Make an offer
Close up to 10X Sales

How do we do this?

ChatGPT is revolutionized the understanding and responding in natural language. We have taken that ability of and applied to the area of outbound sales. Under the hood we have built super specialized multiple models trained to do specific sales functions with a central goal to close 10X sales.

  • Imagine cloning your best sales rep.
  • Imagine engaging with every visitor.
  • Imagine hyper personalising every conversation.
  • Imagine close 10X more leads.
  • Imagine closing 4X more sales.

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